Celebrating Heritage Months

The University of Denver is committed to living our values of diversity and inclusion. Our community and institutional success is dependent on how well we engage and embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni.

With that shared value in mind and in partnership with Human Resources & Inclusive Community (HRIC), the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI), The Cultural Center, Community + Values, and the Staff of Color Association (SOCA), we will celebrate the identities and histories of members of the DU and world communities. Each month we will feature events and stories to honor one another and learn about our unique differences.

Advancing a key strategic initiative outlined in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Action Plan, the Heritage Months Initiative will contribute to the creation of a campus climate and culture that strives for excellence in inclusion in all aspects of the University of Denver’s operations. Join us in this celebration!

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August 26 | Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day: group of women smiling

On August 26, 1920, women were granted the right to vote, which was the culmination of massive, peaceful civil rights movements that spanned decades. Today, we commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment and celebrate the strides women have made since that day to attain equal rights, opportunities and recognition in all facets of society. The suffrage movement is mirrored in our communities by ongoing efforts to achieve full equality for women and has evolved to center the inclusion of women and people of diverse gender identities who come from historically marginalized groups.  

DU seeks to further this mission in our community and beyond through several initiatives on campus that have the common goal of advancing the representation and empowerment of women. The Women’s Coalition at DU bridges various women’s groups across campus and strives to center the experiences of women from marginalized or underrepresented backgrounds. More resources and information on DU’s initiatives can be found at Women’s Coalition.  

DU honors Women’s Equality Day and the hard work of individuals who have advanced goals of gender equality in our community and across the world.  

Learn More & Watch Previous Webinars

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We recognize that our community and institutional success is dependent on how well we engage and embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni. With that shared value in mind, throughout this academic year, we will publish a series of articles to celebrate the Heritage and History months. Also, if you are aware of any events that are happening on campus or have an idea for Heritage Month events, we'd love to hear about them and promote them campus-wide.

Propose an Event or Nominate a DU Community Member